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Eucharistic Miracles

Armando F., Marina F. and Martha F. sent their Government Notarized Affidavits and Sworn Testimony from the Colombian Government in Bogota, Columbia along with their Photos, Driver's License, Finger Prints, and Blood Types (which proves that Father Miguel and all five other witnesses are not the very rare Blood Type of Jesus) on November 7, 2002 about the four (4) Miraculous Events – including the two Eucharistic Miracles they witnessed next to The Miraculous Icon Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces!

Bogota, Colombia, South America, November 7, 2002


TO: MR. FRANCIS SLINSKY, Director of “Mary’s Way to Jesus Apostolate and Prayer Center”

Located in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, USA.

As Roman Catholic Attendants to Father Miguel’s Holy Mass, we solemnly testify and attest as being true the following four great Miraculous Events we personally witnessed. The four Miracles all took place during the mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, during Father Miguel’s celebration of the liturgy with, as Father Miguel explained, an Icon of The Virgin Mary Our Lady Mediatrix of All God’s Gracers, Coredemptrix and Advocate on the Altar, close to his Chalice during his Roman Rite liturgy.

Shortly after returning to Bogota, Columbia after completing his work as the Archbishop’s secretary and translator in the United States, Father Miguel visited us to celebrate his liturgy in our apartment. On Sunday evening, September 15 of this year 2002, Father Miguel prepared the Altar on our dining room table with Mrs. Marina F. Father placed his small Altar Cloth in the center of the clean, pure white table cloth, and in the middle of the Altar Cloth he placed his Chalice which was covered with a clean, white Pall – which is a square of stiff linen used to cover his chalice during the liturgy. Father Miguel then placed a small Icon of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces-Coredemptrix-Advocate on the Altar, close to his Chalice. Also on the Altar was two lit candles and a Crucifix. Father then began the Holy Mass.

Some minutes after the Holy Mass he started, a very surprising, very pleasant Miraculous event occurred which was the first of four very marvelous, awesome, miraculous events! First, very bright gold glitter suddenly, miraculously appeared on the Altar Table, and on Father’s small Altar Cloth, and on the small Icon of Mary Mediatrix of All God’s Graces, and on the Pall of the Chalice – but not in the Chalice.

When the time came for receiving Holy Communion, Father Miguel invited us to approach the altar so that all three of us could receive the Holy Host by mouth. After we each consumed the Consecrated Host that Father Miguel placed directly in each of our mouths, we three then drank a small portion of the consecrated, white wine from the Chalice, each time one of us finished drinking the white, consecrated wine from the Chalice, Father Miguel cleaned the excess white wine off the outside of the Chalice with his clean, pure white Purificator. After Father Miguel finished cleaning any remaining consecrated wine on the outside of the Chalice with his white Purificator for the final, third time he went back to the Altar to consume the remnants of the consecrated, white wine that remained in the Chalice.

Then a very awesome second Miracle occurred! Father Miguel abruptly interrupted his celebration of the mass, quickly turned around with a very surprised, very shocked look on his face, and showed us a red liquid stain of real blood inside his chalice, on the inside upper border of his Chalice. We were all totally shocked to see the real, liquid blood of Jesus on the inside edge of the Chalice! Father then went back to the altar and placed his Chalice right next to his pure white Purificator of the Altar Cloth.

Father Miguel then started to pick up the Purificator he had placed on the altar directly alongside his Chalice, near the Icon of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces to complete the purification, when he again abruptly stopped, quickly turned around with another, very shocked look on his face. Father excitedly motioned to the three of us to come back up to the Altar to see another, a third Great Miracle! When we went back to the Altar, we again were all very, very shocked for a second time, for we saw on the pure white Purificator a large, liquid drop of fresh red blood – Jesus’ Blood! We also saw a smaller liquid drop of fresh red blood, and a smear of fresh, liquid blood on the pure white Purificator which is the white linen cloth used to wipe the chalice clean after the celebration of the Eucharist.

Due to these two additional tremendous miracles, Father Miguel had to finish the purification of the Chalice with another Purificator to preserve The Real Precious Blood of Jesus. Father Miguel’s desire is to place the original blood stained Purificator containing the fresh red blood, the real blood of Jesus in a special Monstrance and Tabernacle in Mary’s Way Prayer Center next to the original Icon of Mary Mediatrix, Coredemptrix, Advocate.

All during these two, tremendous, separate Eucharistic Miracles of the real, liquid blood of Jesus, the miraculous very bright golden glitter adorned the Altar and Altar Cloth!

This glitter which miraculously came from heaven as a blessing through the Virgin Mary Mediatrix of All Graces, Coredemptrix and Advocate Icon which Jesus granted was picked up after the mass with sticky, clear tape and saved to give to you, Francis Slinsky, at Mary’s Way to Jesus Prayer Center in the United States where the Original, Miraculous Icon of Our lady Mediatrix of All Graces resides.

As soon as the Holy mass was over, Father Miguel and Mrs. Marina F began to remove everything from the altar table. When Father Miguel and Mrs. F removed the altar cloth and table cloth from the dining room table, we all discovered the fourth miracle: many, many bright glitter of many different colors spread all over the table underneath the altar cloth. This glitter which was also saved also came from heaven as a blessing from the Virgin Mary Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces.

All of these four Miracles, all these physical manifestations have been directly observed by all three below signed attendants to the Mass celebrated by Father Miguel. All three below signed attendants and witnesses wish to strongly emphasize that Father Miguel’s celebration of the mass is always with full fervor and piety and we all felt the presence of the Lord and his Most Holy Mother Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces during this Liturgy.

We the below signors testify that Father Miguel always celebrates his Liturgies in our residence with White Wine.

May this letter carry all the holy truth of these four events along with our best wishes for your well being and health.

Yours sincerely,

Armando F.

Authenticated Signature by Columbian Government Notary 63

Marina  F.

Authenticated Signature by Columbian Government Notary 63

Martha F.

Authenticated Signature by Columbian Government Notary 63



(Copyright (C) 2011 by Francis Slinsky With All World Rights Reserved)